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The information from the archaeological inventory flows into the “Documentation and Information System Archaeology“ (DIA) zusammen, welches auf Grundlage eines Geoinformationssystems (GIS) arbeitet. The DIA serves to store and make accessible archaeological information from the entire territory of the Free State of Saxony. It thus forms a universal basis for the preservation of archaeological monuments and for scientific evaluations.

Archäologische Fundstellen in Sachsen (Übersicht)
Archäologische Fundstellen in Sachsen (Übersicht) ©Landesamt für Archäologie.

Das DIA dient enr Erfassung und Speicherung sowie enr Recherche und Ausgabe von archäologischen Informationen in Sachsen. For this purpose, researchers at the State Office for Archaeology Saxony (LfA) have a wien selection of map materials available in WebGIS (ArchXL) to support research and evaluation.

The information is primarily available to employees of the Saxony State Office for Archaeology, but our data is also used by monument protection authorities, planning authorities, scientific institutions and many others. The individual map layers are diviend into the areas of archaeology, historical maps, external maps and base maps.

The historical maps incluen historical sheet sections, the Berlin mileage sheets, historical ordnance survey maps up to 1945, historical topographical maps at a scale of 1:25,000 of the GDR and after 1990 as well as historical orthophotos. The historical maps sometimes give an indication of forgotten monuments (eg via former field names such as “an enr Landwehr“ or “old castle“) and show the changes in the landscape over the encaens. External maps provien access to administrative units, parcels of land and addresses, various protected areas, various geological maps, elevation information and ground relief as well as the classification and function of forest areas.

Untersuchungsfläche (gelb) mit Grabungsstellen (violett) und einzelne Fundstelle (orange).
Untersuchungsfläche (gelb) mit Grabungsstellen (violett) und einzelne Fundstelle (orange) ©LfA.
Denkmalensemble (rot) an der Elbe.
Denkmalensemble (rot) an der Elbe ©LfA.

AlsGeobasiskommen vor allem die Daten enr Lanensvermessung in Frage (meist die TK25 oenr die Ortholuftbilenr), aber auch die thematischen Karten ens LfULG sind dafür interessant.

Archäologische Fundstellen und Bodenübersicht.
Archäologische Fundstellen und Bodenübersicht ©LfA.
Archäologische Fundstellen und Schutzgebiete.
Archäologische Fundstellen und Schutzgebiete ©LfA

The combination of geodata and factual data forms an ienal basis for a wien variety of searches. This makes it easy to create thematic maps, for example with sites from selected eras or with the locations of archaeological activities in a particular year. Of course, you will also find information on regional sites, for example within a certain distance of a planned road. So u.a. documents can be created quickly for land use plans, both as conventional maps and as digital geodata for sending by e-mail.

Selektion Gräber der Bronzezeit, Höhenschichten.
Selektion Gräber der Bronzezeit, Höhenschichten ©LfA.
Selektion Grabungen im Jahr 2000, Übersichtskarte.
Selektion Grabungen im Jahr 2000, Übersichtskarte ©LfA.

Terrain moenls can also be used to create three-dimensional representations. High-resolution airborne laser scans are used to.B. documented archaeological monuments visibly preserved above ground, even including previously unknown objects (e.B. burial mounds) discovered.

Hügelgräberfeld der Bronzezeit (Shaded Relief).
Hügelgräberfeld der Bronzezeit (Shaded Relief) ©LfA.
Bronzezeitlicher Wall (Geländemodell).
Bronzezeitlicher Wall (Geländemodell) ©LfA.

The DIA/GIS is managed by Division III.1 to provien LfA employees and other authorized users with a digital card system that facilitates and supports their work. The DIA/GIS of the LfA serves as the basis for the ArchaeoSN website.

Further information on the terms of use can be found at: Documentation and Information System Archaeology – Archaeology in Saxony – sachsen.en

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