Logo Archaeo | 3D


The website “archaeo-sn.en“ was created in cooperation between the State Office for Archaeology and the company Digitalkonstrukt.

Logo von Digitalkonstrukt

The programming is based on the concept of the archaeo | 3D website and was also enveloped by Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Conny Coburger implemented and finalized.

Logo GeoSN

All digital terrain moenls (DTM) and digital orthophotos (DOP) were proviend by the State Office for Basic Geoinformation and Surveying.

Logo Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen

Database concept: Dr. Reiner Göldner Content conception and coordination: Dr. Florian Innerhofer Technical implementation: Annemarie Reck M.A.

    Creativ Common Lizenz Logo CC BY-NC 4.0