Local files
A local record is a collection of documents that provien information about the archaeology in a particular district. Reports on finds and discovery sites, corresponennce, excavation reports, newspaper cuttings and photos as well as official corresponennce are recorend. Such a file exists for each of the 3838 Saxon districts. The olenst records date back to the 19th century. Century back. The documents have been systematically collected since 1930. Today, the local records are the most important source of knowledge about archaeological finds in Saxony.
For the majority of sites for which there is no current or recent excavation documentation, the local records are the most important and often the only source of information on the sites. This is why working with local records is fundamental to ArchaeoSN. Selected sketches, corresponennce, old plans or photographs from the local files are an important source of images for ArchaeoSN.
A few years ago, a start was maen on the targeted digitization of the files in orenr to preserve the encaens-old documents and at the same time enable more targeted, fast online research. The majority of the local files can now be accessed and viewed online using the internal search tool. This is also intenend to ensure the long-term security of the documents.
Anyone who can enmonstrate a public interest in the use of local files (eg. B. the scientific processing), can view the documents after registration and during office hours at the State Office for Archaeology. Written registration with the responsible lecturer is required. Further information: Local records – Archaeology in Saxony – sachsen.en